Diagnosis |
Differs from other species of Stentorceps by having a
small, weakly flaring corniculum. Most easily confused with S. zuparkoi
and S. weedlei, but these species have a parallel-sided corniculum
(occasionally narrowing dorsally), whereas S. vuvuzela has a weak flare
to its corniculum. Stentorceps tubicen, S. heimdalli and S. abbotti have
larger, strongly flared cornicula and broader pyriform protuberances. |
Etymology |
Named for the
vuvuzela, a long, narrow plastic trumpet, which figured prominently at
the 2010 FIFA footballWorld Cup held in South Africa. The narrow flare
of the corniculum of S. vuvuzela is particularly reminiscent of
this instrument. |
Holotype |
Name registration. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:
urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts: 271841
Type material. Holotype, male:KENYA: RiftValley Province: gallery forest
along river, Marich Pass, 01°32.18’N 35°27.48’E, 917 m, 18.iii–2.v.2007,
Malaise trap, R. Copeland, USNM ENT00655762 (deposited in NMKE). |
Distribution |
Kenya. Link to distribution map.
http://hol.osu.edu/map-full.html?id=271841 |
Biology |
Unknown. |
References |
Nielsen, M. & Buffington, M. 2011.
Redescription of Stentorceps Quinlan, 1984 (Hymenoptera: Figitidae), with
a description of five new species.
African Entomology 19: 597–613.
Quinlan, J. 1984.
Stentorceps, a remarkable new genus of eucoilid (Hymenoptera) from
Africa. Systematic Entomology 9: 479–485. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:
B28A151C-9622-4EAD-9C5C-B1D5668C9DB7. |
Photographs © Nielsen & Buffington.
Matt Buffington (Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA/ARS) and Mattias Forshage (Swedish Museum of Natural History) both played an integral role in the development of the Cynipoidea pages.