Etymology |
specific epithet tintini is in the genitive case and is for Tintin, the
comic book character by Hergé, whose adventures in the Congo have done
much to popularise the country in a very controversial manner in parts
of the world. The Xyalophora spine may possibly suggest Tintin’s famous
tuft of hair. |
References |
Benoit, P.L.G. 1956. Figitinae nouveaux du Congo Belge (Cynip.-Figitidae).
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 53:
377–384. Ionescu, M.A. 1969.
Hymenoptera Cynipoidea. Fauna Republicii Socialiste România, Insecta vol
IX, fasc 6, 292 pp.
M., Paretas-Martínez J. & Pujade-Villar, J. 2008. Revision of
Xyalophora Kieffer and description of Xyalophoroides gen. n.
(Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Figitinae). European Journal of Entomology
105: 751–769.
van Noort, S, Buffington ML & Forshage, M. 2015.
Afrotropical Cynipoidea (Hymenoptera). ZooKeys 493: 1-176. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.493.6353
van Noort, S, Buffington ML & Forshage, M. 2014.
Review of Afrotropical Figitinae (Figitidae, Cynipoidea, Hymenoptera) with the
first records of Neralsia and Lonchidia for the region.
ZooKeys 453: 37–69.