Xanthophenax aberrator
Seyrig, 1932
Xanthophenax alluaudi
Seyrig, 1932
Xanthophenax annulicornis
(Seyrig, 1935)
Xanthophenax antennatus
Benoit, 1953
Xanthophenax antinorii
(Gribodo, 1879)
Xanthophenax apicalis
Benoit, 1953
Xanthophenax bredoi
Benoit, 1953
Xanthophenax cancanensis
Pisica, 1984
Xanthophenax concolor concolor
(Brullé, 1846)
Xanthophenax concolor vitellina(Tosquinet, 1896)
defector Seyrig, 1932
Xanthophenax depressor
Seyrig, 1932
Xanthophenax dissimulator
Seyrig, 1932
Xanthophenax diversipes
(Tosquinet, 1896)
Xanthophenax elongatulus
(Morley, 1914)
Xanthophenax fraudator
Saussure, 1892
Xanthophenax infumatus
Benoit, 1953
Xanthophenax jeanneli
(Seyrig, 1935)
Xanthophenax liberator
Seyrig, 1932
Xanthophenax maynei
Benoit, 1953
Xanthophenax microspilus
(Cameron, 1910)
Xanthophenax pacificator
Seyrig, 1932
Xanthophenax pectoralis
(Brullé, 1846)
Xanthophenax pimploides
(Szépligeti, 1908)
Xanthophenax productus
(Tosquinet, 1896)
Xanthophenax pseudoptera
(Morley, 1914)
Xanthophenax pulchripennis
(Szépligeti, 1908)
Xanthophenax pusillus
(Benoit, 1953)
Xanthophenax pygmaeus
Benoit, 1953
Xanthophenax reductor
(Seyrig, 1932)
Xanthophenax roborator
(Benoit, 1964)
Xanthophenax ruber
Benoit, 1953
Xanthophenax rubrithorax
(Morley, 1914)
Xanthophenax ruficollis
(Cameron, 1912)
Xanthophenax rufus
(Cameron, 1906)
Xanthophenax shawi
Cameron, 1904)
Xanthophenax terebratus
(Morley, 1917)
Xanthophenax tuberatus
(Tosquinet, 1896)
Xanthophenax umbraticulus
(Morley, 1914)
Xanthophenax verticalis
(Morley, 1914)
Xanthophenax violaceus
(Kriechbaumer, 1890)
Xanthophenax xanthomelas (Brullé, 1846)
Xanthophenax xanthopteros
Benoit, 1953

Burundi, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar,
Mozambique, Reunion,
Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo,
Uganda. |
Host: Hypsipyla
scabruscelella (Pyralidae). |
P. 1906. Descriptions of new species of parasitic Hymenoptera chiefly in the
collection of the South African Museum, Cape Town. Annals of the South
African Museum 5:17-186.
Kriechbaumer, J. 1890.
Ichneumoniden-Studien. Neue Ichneumoniden des Wiener Museums. II. Annalen des
Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums Wien. 5: 479-491.
Rousse, P. & Villemant, C. 2012.
Ichneumons in Reunion Island: a catalogue of the local
Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) species, including 15 new taxa and a key to species.
Zootaxa 3278: 1–57.
Seyrig, A. 1932.
Les Ichneumonides de Madagascar. I Ichneumonidae Pimplinae. Mémoires de l'Académie Malgache.
Fascicule 11. 183pp.
H. de. 1892. Hymenopteres. In: Grandidier A. "Histoire physique
naturelle et politique de Madagascar. 20." Paris. 590 pp.
Yu D.S., van Achterberg, K.,
Horstmann, K. 2011. World Ichneumonoidea 2011.
Taxonomy, biology, morphology and distribution. Available from
Vancouver, Canada: Taxapad.
Viereck, H.L. 1914. Type species of the genera of
Ichneumon flies.
United States National Museum Bulletin 83: 1-186.
© Simon van Noort or Aisha Mayekiso (Iziko Museums) or by
© MNHN (specimens database
http://coldb.mnhn.fr). |
Next genus:
Xanthopimpla |