aurantieiceps (Cameron,1912) (Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda)
bicolor (Szépligeti,1914) (Togo)
brevipetiolata (Szépligeti,1914) (Equatorial Guinea)
buettneri (Stadelmann,1893 (Togo)
cameruna (Enderlein,1901)
conradti (Szépligeti,1914) (Togo)
erythrothorax (Cameron,1912) (Democratic
Republic of Congo, South Africa)
fuelleborni (Enderlein,1901) (Tanzania)
flaviceps (Enderlein,1912) (Cameroon)
flavitarsis (Szépligeti,1914) (Equatorial Guinea)
fulva (Szépligeti,1914) (Togo)
gardneri (Nixon,1954) (Kenya)
guineensis (Szépligeti,1914) (Equatorial Guinea)
ingens (Enderlein,1901) (Cameroon, Togo)
oncophorus (Schletterer,1890) (South Africa)
pulchripennis (Szépligeti,1913) (Nigeria)
rufithorax (Szépligeti,1911) (Uganda)
superba (Szépligeti,1911) (Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Uganda) |
tessmanni (Szépligeti,1914) (Equatorial Guinea)
variegata (Szépligeti,1911) (Uganda) |
Parasitoids of
wood-boring Coleoptera (Nixon, 1954). |
Afrotropical region:
Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Equatorial Guinea,
Gabon, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda) |
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Photographs © Simon van Noort (Iziko Museums of South Africa). |