All femora (especially fore femora) with a distinct ventral tooth
present subapically (A). Metapleural lower lobe indistinct (B).
Palpal segment formula 5+3. Body surface almost entirely polished
(B) ...2
– All
femora without a ventral tooth subapically (a). Metapleural lower
lobe distinctly projected (b). Palpal segment formula 6+4. Body
surface at least partly sculptured (b) ...3
Prepectal (epicnemial) carina present (A). Propodeum without
depressions (B). Third to sixth metasomal tergites covered with
short setae (C) ...Termitospathius Belokobylskij
Prepectal (epicnemial) carina absent (a). Propodeum with several
depressions (b). Third to sixth metasomal tergites completely bare
(c) ...Ceylonspathius Belokobylskij
Brachial (subdiscal) cell of fore wing widely open postero-distally
(A). Second metasomal tergite with distinct, complete and
posteriorly convergent longitudinal furrows (B). In male, second
radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing
absent. Radial (basal) cell of fore wing distinctly shortened ...Afrospathius
Belokobylskij and Quicke
– Brachial
(subdiscal) cell of fore wing closed postero-distally (a). Second
metasomal tergite without longitudinal furrows (b). In male, second
radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing present. Radial (basal) cell of
fore wing not shortened ...4
Frons and vertex laterally with distinctly raised protuberances (A).
Antenna subclavate, widened and dorso-ventrally flattened apically
(A). Metanotum with a long dorsal, laterally compressed lamella in
form of inverted triangle (A, B). Metacarp (1-R1) of fore wing
ephemeral in distal half (C). Recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing
antefurcal, arising basad of first radiomedial vein (2RS) (C). Hind
tibia with several short and thick spines along its dorsal margin
– Frons
and vertex without raised protuberances (a). Antenna not widened
apically. Metanotum without such dorsal lamella (b). Metacarp (1-R1)
of fore wing complete (c). Recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing
postfurcal, arising apicad of first radiomedial vein (2RS) (c). Hind
tibia without any spines along its dorsal margin ...5
Nervulus (cu-a) of fore wing distinctly antefurcal to M+CU / 1M
junction (A). Basal vein (1r-m) of hind wing absent, costal vein
(1-SC+R) fused with mediocubital vein (1-M) (A) ...Parana
– Nervulus (cu-a) of fore wing postfurcal or interstitial to M+CU /
1M junction (a). Basal vein (1r-m) of hind wing present, costal vein
(1-SC+R) not fused with mediocubital vein (1-M) (a) ...6
Precoxal sulcus absent (A). Metacarp (1-R1) of fore wing on outside
margin almost without setae (B). Nervulus (cu-a) of fore wing
strongly postfurcal to M+CU / 1M junction (B) ...Toka Nixon
– Precoxal
sulcus present (a). Metacarp (1-R1) of fore wing on outside margin
densely setose (b). Nervulus (cu-a) of fore wing interstitial, or
weakly postfurcal to M+CU / 1M junction (b) ...7
7 Scape of antenna long, about 2.0× as long as wide with
distinct projection on the ventral apical margin in lateral view
(A). Notauli absent (B) ...Paraspathius Nixon
– Scape of
antenna short, about 1.5× as long as wide, without projection on the
lower apical margin in lateral view (a). Notauli present (b) ...Spathius