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Key to genera Old World Spathiini (Doryctinae)

(Life: Kingdom: Metazoa (animals); Phylum: Arthropoda; Class: Hexapoda; Order: Hymenoptera;  Superfamily: Ichneumonoidea; Family: Braconidae; Subfamily: Doryctinae)

ClassificationDoryctinae keys

1 All femora (especially fore femora) with a distinct ventral tooth present subapically (A). Metapleural lower lobe indistinct (B). Palpal segment formula 5+3. Body surface almost entirely polished (B) ...2

– All femora without a ventral tooth subapically (a). Metapleural lower lobe distinctly projected (b). Palpal segment formula 6+4. Body surface at least partly sculptured (b) ...3


2 Prepectal (epicnemial) carina present (A). Propodeum without depressions (B). Third to sixth metasomal tergites covered with short setae (C) ...Termitospathius Belokobylskij

– Prepectal (epicnemial) carina absent (a). Propodeum with several depressions (b). Third to sixth metasomal tergites completely bare (c) ...Ceylonspathius Belokobylskij


3 Brachial (subdiscal) cell of fore wing widely open postero-distally (A). Second metasomal tergite with distinct, complete and posteriorly convergent longitudinal furrows (B). In male, second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing
absent. Radial (basal) cell of fore wing distinctly shortened ...Afrospathius Belokobylskij and Quicke

– Brachial (subdiscal) cell of fore wing closed postero-distally (a). Second metasomal tergite without longitudinal furrows (b). In male, second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing present. Radial (basal) cell of fore wing not shortened ...4


4 Frons and vertex laterally with distinctly raised protuberances (A). Antenna subclavate, widened and dorso-ventrally flattened apically (A). Metanotum with a long dorsal, laterally compressed lamella in form of inverted triangle (A, B). Metacarp (1-R1) of fore wing ephemeral in distal half (C). Recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing antefurcal, arising basad of first radiomedial vein (2RS) (C). Hind tibia with several short and thick spines along its dorsal margin ...Spathioplites Fischer

– Frons and vertex without raised protuberances (a). Antenna not widened apically. Metanotum without such dorsal lamella (b). Metacarp (1-R1) of fore wing complete (c). Recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing postfurcal, arising apicad of first radiomedial vein (2RS) (c). Hind tibia without any spines along its dorsal margin ...5


5 Nervulus (cu-a) of fore wing distinctly antefurcal to M+CU / 1M junction (A). Basal vein (1r-m) of hind wing absent, costal vein (1-SC+R) fused with mediocubital vein (1-M) (A) ...Parana Nixon

– Nervulus (cu-a) of fore wing postfurcal or interstitial to M+CU / 1M junction (a). Basal vein (1r-m) of hind wing present, costal vein (1-SC+R) not fused with mediocubital vein (1-M) (a) ...6


6 Precoxal sulcus absent (A). Metacarp (1-R1) of fore wing on outside margin almost without setae (B). Nervulus (cu-a) of fore wing strongly postfurcal to M+CU / 1M junction (B) ...Toka Nixon

– Precoxal sulcus present (a). Metacarp (1-R1) of fore wing on outside margin densely setose (b). Nervulus (cu-a) of fore wing interstitial, or weakly postfurcal to M+CU / 1M junction (b) ...7


7 Scape of antenna long, about 2.0× as long as wide with distinct projection on the ventral apical margin in lateral view (A). Notauli absent (B) ...Paraspathius Nixon

– Scape of antenna short, about 1.5× as long as wide, without projection on the lower apical margin in lateral view (a). Notauli present (b) ...Spathius Nees


van Noort S, Belokobylskij SA, Touret-Alby A. 2021. Rediscovery of the endemic Afrotropical genus Spathioplites (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Doryctinae) with major range extension records for Spathioplites phreneticus. African Invertebrates 62(2): 497–520. https://doi.org/10.3897/AfrInvertebr.62.74103


Key developed by Simon van Noort and Sergey Belokobylskij. Photographs included in the key © Simon van Noort (Iziko Museums of South Africa), or © Sergey Belokobylskij (Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences).

Web author Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)


Citation: van Noort, S. 2024. WaspWeb: Hymenoptera of the World. URL: www.waspweb.org (accessed on <day/month/year>).

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