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(Life: Kingdom: Metazoa (animals); Phylum: Arthropoda; Class: Hexapoda; Order: Hymenoptera; Superfamily: Diaprioidea)


Maaminga Early, Manser, Naumann, & Austin, 2001


New Zealand.




Johnson, N.F. 1992. Catalog of world Proctotrupoidea excluding Platygastridae. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 51: 1-825. doi:10.5281/zenodo.23657

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Klug, JCF. 1841. Die Arten der Gattung Pelecinus (Latr.). Zeitschrift für die Entomologie, herausgegeben von Ernst Friedrich Germar 3(2): 377-385; pl.2.

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Musetti L, Johnson NF. 2004. Révision des espèces du genre Monomachus (Hymenoptera : Proctotrupoides, Monomachidae) du Nouveau Monde. The Canadian Entomologist 136 : 501–552.

Sharkey, M., 2007. Phylogeny and classification of Hymenoptera. Zootaxa 1668: 521–548.

Sharkey, M. J., Carpenter, J. M., Vilhelmsen, L., Heraty, J., Liljeblad, J., Dowling, A. P.G., Schulmeister, S., Murray, D., Deans, A. R., Ronquist, F., Krogmann, L. and Wheeler, W. C. 2012. Phylogenetic relationships among superfamilies of Hymenoptera. Cladistics 28: 80–112. doi: 10.1111/j.1096-0031.2011.00366.x

Townes H, Townes M. 1981. A revision of the Serphidae (Hymenoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 32: 1-541.

Yoder, M. 2021. The Diapriidae. http://www.diapriid.org/projects/4/public/site/diapriid/home


Photographs © Peter Quin, Auckland War Memorial Museum

Web author Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)


Citation: van Noort, S. 2025. WaspWeb: Hymenoptera of the World. URL: www.waspweb.org (accessed on <day/month/year>).

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