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Wonderful World of Wasps

Exhibition Iziko South African Museum

(Life: Kingdom: Metazoa (animals); Phylum: Arthropoda; Class: Hexapoda; Order: Hymenoptera)

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The Entovision system used to produce many of the close-up images on display in this exhibition uses a process where a number of images are taken at different focal planes through the depth of the insect. The operator sets the top focal plane (the closest part of the insect to the microscope lens) as well as the bottom focal plane (the furthest part of the insect away from the lens) and an automated Z-stepper moves the lens in even increments between these two settings.

Photographs © Simon van Noort

Web author Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)


Citation: van Noort, S. 2024. WaspWeb: Hymenoptera of the World. URL: www.waspweb.org (accessed on <day/month/year>).

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