Holotype female
SAM-HYM-P046650 (SAMC) |
Paratype female
SAM-HYM-P036025 (SAMC) |

A, B female
paratype (SAMC) (SAM-HYMP036025) C–F male paratype (SAMC)
(SAM-HYM-P040645a) A propodeal, tergal and sternal foamy structures,
lateral view B fore wing (inset: data labels) C habitus, dorsal view
(inset: data labels) D head, anterior view E head, mesosoma, lateral
view F head, mesosoma, dorsal view. |

A–C male
paratype (SAMC) (SAM-HYM-P036030) D–F female paratype (SAMC)
(SAM-HYM-P046654B) A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, lateral view C
habitus, ventral view D habitus, dorsal view E habitus, lateral view F
habitus, ventral view. |

paratype SEM photos (SAMC) (SAMHYM-P036030) A clypeus, mandibles,
anterolateral view B occiput, dorso-posterior view C mesosoma, dorsal
view D mesosoma, dorso-lateral view E mesopleuron, propodeum, T1,
lateral view F propodeum, hind coxa, T1, dorsolateral view G T1-2,
dorsolateral view H hind tibial spurs.

South Africa: Eastern Cape Province.
Additional material.
SOUTH AFRICA • 3♀♀, 1♂; Eastern Cape, Asante Sana Game Reserve, buttress
between Waterkloof and Zuurkloof; S32 16.932 E24 58.795; 1401 m; 18-25
Nov 2009; J. Midgley; T1S1e; Pitfall trap; Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket,
Open habitat, low shrubs and mat forming wild carnation, scattered
grass; SAM-HYM-P036025A-D (SAMC) • 1♀ idem except for SAM-HYM-P038230 (SAMC)
• 4♀♀; idem except for SAM-HYM-P046654 (SAMC) • 1♂; Asante Sana Game
Reserve, Zuurkloof; S32 17.099 E25 00.527; 1207 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J.
Midgley; T2S1e; Pitfall trap; Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket; Acacia
thicket; next to river bed with larger trees SAM-HYM-P036026;
SAM-HYM-P046646; SAM-HYM-P046649 (SAMC) • 2♀♀; Asante Sana Game Reserve,
Zuurkloof; S32 16.461 E25 00.067; 1406 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J. Midgley;
T2S2c; Pitfall trap; Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket; Mixed thicket with
some small shrubs and larger trees; sparse grass; SAM-HYM-P036028 (SAMC)
• 2♀♀; 1♂; idem except for SAM-HYM-P046648 (SAMC) • 1♂; Asante Sana Game
Reserve, buttress between Waterkloof and Zuurkloof; S32 17.003 E24
58.298; 1202 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J. Midgley; T1S5d; Pitfall trap;
Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket; Acacia thicket; stony ground;
SAM-HYM-P036030 (SAMC) • 1♂; Asante Sana Game Reserve, Waterkloof; S32
15.692 E24 57.095; 1415 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J. Midgley; T3S1d; Pitfall
trap; Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket; Mixed grass (low mat forming and
tall) and small trees SAM-HYM-P036031 (SAMC) • 1♀; Asante Sana Game
Reserve, Zuurkloof; S32 16.011 E25 00.244; 1621 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J.
Midgley; T2S3d; Pitfall trap; Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket; Tall grass
stands with scattered oubos and scattered other shrubs; SAM-HYM-P036032
(SAMC) • 1♀; Asante Sana Game Reserve, buttress between Waterkloof and
Zuurkloof; S32 16.934 E24 58.801; 1400 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J. Midgley;
T1S1d; Pitfall trap; Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket; Open habitat; low
shrubs and mat forming wild carnation; scattered grass; SAM-HYM-P036033
(SAMC) • 1♀; Asante Sana Game Reserve, Zuurkloof; S32 16.463 E25 00.062;
1407 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J. Midgley; T2S2d; Pitfall trap; Camdeboo
Escarpment Thicket; Mixed thicket with some small shrubs and larger
trees; sparse grass; SAM-HYM-P036034 (SAMC) • 2♀♀; Asante Sana Game
Reserve; buttress between Waterkloof and Zuurkloof; S32 16.363 E24
58.989; 1793 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J. Midgley; T1S3e; Pitfall trap;
Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket; Steep rocky slope; dense shrubs (50cm high)
little to no grass; SAM-HYM-P040038 (SAMC) • 1♂; Asante Sana Game
Reserve, buttress between Waterkloof and Zuurkloof; S32 16.580 E24
58.942; 1618 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J. Midgley; T1S2a; Pitfall trap;
Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket; Steep slope; mostly small shrubs; fynbos;
with some grass tussocks; SAM-HYM-P046643 (SAMC) • 1♂; Asante Sana Game
Reserve, Zuurkloof; S32 16.462 E25 00.054; 1413 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J.
Midgley; T2S2e; Pitfall trap; Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket; Mixed thicket
with some small shrubs and larger trees; sparse grass; SAM-HYM-P046644 (SAMC)
• 2♂♂; idem except for SAM-HYM-P046645 (SAMC) • 1♀; 1♂; Asante Sana Game
Reserve, Waterkloof; S32 16.994 E24 56.311; 1205 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J.
Midgley; T3S6e; Pitfall trap; Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket; Acacia
thicket; SAM-HYM-P046647; SAM-HYM-P046655 (SAMC) • 1♀; Asante Sana Game
Reserve, buttress between Waterkloof and Zuurkloof; S32 16.370 E24
58.986; 1805 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J. Midgley; T1S3c; Pitfall trap;
Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket; Steep rocky slope; dense shrubs (50cm high)
little to no grass; SAM-HYM-P046651 (SAMC) • 1♀; Asante Sana Game
Reserve, Zuurkloof; S32 16.462 E25 00.084; 1412 m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J.
Midgley; T2S2a; Pitfall trap; Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket; Mixed thicket
with some small shrubs and larger trees; sparse grass; SAM-HYM-P046652 (SAMC)
• 1♀; Asante Sana Game Reserve, Waterkloof; S32 16.993 E24 56.325; 1197
m; 18-25 Nov 2009; J. Midgley; T3S6c; Pitfall trap; Camdeboo Escarpment
Thicket; Acacia thicket; SAM-HYM-P046653 (SAMC) (van Noort et al. 2021). |
Diagnosis |
This species is immediately distinguishable by the
brachypterous wings, which have a unique colour pattern, are extremely
narrow, 4x longer than wide, and do not extend beyond the posterior
margin of tergite 2. It shares the lack of the occipital pit, presence
of long setae on the pronotum, and presence of strong microtrichiae with
S. braunsi, but does not have rugae present on the genae and
pronotum as in S. braunsi; has a wider mesoscutum (twice as wide
as long, as opposed to 2.5x in S. braunsi); a distinctive
mesoscutellar disc which is square in shape and medially and
longitudinally evenly raised into a hump, laterally defined by strongly
raised longitudinal axillar carinae; and the costal margin of hind wing
is not sclerotized as in S. braunsi (van Noort et al. 2021). |
Etymology |
Named in honour of John Midgley, who first collected
specimens of the new species as part of his PhD project (van Noort et
al. 2021). |
Biology |
Unknown. |
References |
Brues, C.T. 1908.
Hymenoptera. Fam. Scelionidae. Genera
Insectorum 80: 1-59.
Masner. L. 1964. Remarks on Sceliotrachelus
Brues and allied genera (Hymenoptera, Platygasteridae).
71: 8-11.
Masner L. & Huggert, L. 1989. World review and keys to
genera of the subfamily Inostemmatinae with reassignment of the taxa to the
Platygastrinae and Sceliotrachelinae (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae).
Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada,
147: 1-214.
van Noort S, Lahey Z, Talamas EJ, Austin AD, Masner L,
Polaszek A, Johnson NF 2021.
Review of Afrotropical sceliotracheline
parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae). In: Lahey Z, Talamas E (Eds)
Advances in the Systematics of Platygastroidea III. Journal of Hymenoptera
Research 87: 115–222.
and map illustration © Simon van Noort (Iziko Museums of South Africa), or
© Elijah Talamas (Florida).