1. Mesopleural depression nearly completely smooth
(Fig. 316); T6
in females not transversely divided by well-developed carina (Fig. 318);
body light brown to brown; female body length 3.1 mm ... Scelio
– Mesopleural depression predominantly sculptured with
only small smooth patches if present (Fig. 322); T6 in females transversely divided
by well-developed carina (Fig. 324); body dark brown to black; female
body length 3.1–3.9 mm... 2
2. Eye with short microtrichia present between
ommatidia (Fig. 311); males with notauli irregularly impressed, but clearly
male RSS on A5, short, thick, node-like; female body length 3.1–3.7 mm
(Fig. 307)
... Scelio simoni
– Eye glabrous
(Fig. 323); males with notauli absent; male RSS on
A5 linear, finely carinate; female body length 3.8–3.9 mm (Fig. 319) ... Scelio