1. Mesopleural depression and metapleuron above hind
coxa sculptured throughout (Fig. 286), without glabrous and smooth patch; dorsal head and upper frons with well-developed reticulations (Fig.
287); medial T2–T4 with only narrow smooth patches or sculptured
throughout (Fig. 288) ... Scelio obscuripennis
– Mesopleural depression and metapleuron above hind coxa with a smooth
and glabrous patch (Fig. 297); upper frons dorsoventrally carinate, or
weakly reticulate (Fig. 299); medial T2–T4 with broader smooth patches
(Fig. 300) ... 2
2. Upper frons dorsoventrally carinate (Fig. 299);
medial T3, and to slightly lesser degree T2 and T4, with prominent
smooth patches, patches often lighter color (Fig. 300) ... Scelio
– Upper frons reticulate (Fig. 293); smooth
patches of dorsal metasoma variously developed but typically smaller,
and not lighter color (Fig. 289)... 3
3. Arcuate sculpture of frons "open": arching carinae
terminating along the the malar sulcus (Fig. 293), arcuate sculpture
near malar sulcus often obscured by reticulation in males; propodeum
often with patch of obliterated to smooth sculpture anterolaterally, and
usually with several prominent sinuate striae (Fig. 294); male RSS
linear, finely carinate ... Scelio harinhalai
– Arcuate sculpture of frons
"closed", arching carinae terminating at or very near the base of the
mandible (Fig. 305), arcuate sculpture not
obscured by reticulation in males; propodeum more or less uniformly
reticulate throughout, without smooth patches (Fig. 303); male RSS
node-like ... Scelio parkeri