1. Transverse pronotal carina percurrent (Fig. 282,
tpc); mesosoma somewhat compact, with propodeal shelf short and
strongly sloping (Fig. 280); propodeal nucha smooth except for
slight medial furrow (Fig. 270, prn) ... 2
– Transverse pronotal carina interrupted medially by mesoscutum;
mesosoma typically developed, with propodeal shelf
flatter (e.g. Figs. 261, 262); propodeal nucha usually with
transverse to reticulate sculpture in addition to medial
furrow (Fig. 261) ... 5
2. Clypeus strongly projecting, subquadrate with rounded corners (Fig.
281); metasoma dark orange brown (Fig. 277); mesoscutellum transverse, broadly depressed posteromedially with
posterolateral margins very slightly elevated (Fig.
279) ... Scelio transtrum
– Clypeus not strongly projecting (Fig. 269); metasoma brown to
dark brown (Figs 265); mesoscutellum
semicircular to slightly transverse, evenly rounded posteriorly (Fig.
267) ... 3
3. Very small (2.86mm); pronotal nucha sculptured throughout (Fig. 273);
scape yellow (Fig. 275); T6 with fine longitudinal
sculpture (Somalia) ... Scelio somaliensis
– Moderately sized (4.40mm); anterior half of pronotal nucha smooth
(Fig. 270); scape dark brown (Fig. 269); T6 with coarse rugulose reticulations (Malawi) ... Scelio ntchisii
4. Anteclypeus strongly bilobed (Fig. 252); occipital carina broadly
obliterated medially (Fig. 249); metasoma orange
throughout (Fig. 247) ... Scelio aurantium
– Anteclypeus very weakly concave to truncate (Fig. 257); occipital
carina percurrent or interrupted for only a very
short distance medially (Fig. 255); metasoma with at least T5–T6 brown, or brown
throughout (Fig. 254) ... 5
5. Metasoma brown, with T5-T6 dark brown (Fig. 254); gena with sparse to
moderate pilosity (258); head somewhat
rounded in lateral view (South Africa) ... Scelio impostor
– Metasoma orange with T5-T6 brown (Fig. 259); gena at narrowest
point behind eye with dense thick setae (Fig.
262); head somewhat wedge-shaped in lateral view (widespread throughout
Africa) ... Scelio ipomeae