Third antennal segment shorter than, or subequal to,
second antennal segment
…2 |
Third antennal segment longer (>1.1X) than second antennal
segment ...5 |
Femora and tibiae yellow; eye height at least 2.5 times
shortest distance between eyes …3 |
Femora and tibiae reddish brown to black; eye height less
than 2 times shortest distance between eyes …4 |
Medial portion of posterior margin of pronotum, scutellar
rim, tegulae, propodeal tooth, margins of tergites 1-4, and tarsi
yellow; upper mesepisternum punctuate; Namibia …Nixonia
flavocincta |
Mesosoma, metasoma black without yellow markings, tarsi
dark brown; upper mesepisternum longitudinally striate; Namibia ....Nixonia
sicaria |
Forewings extending to middle or posterior margin of
tergite 4; female metasoma with tergites 2–4 brick red, mid- and hind
femora and tibiae reddish brown; South Africa ...Nixonia
corrugata |
Forewings longer, extending nearly to posterior margin of
tergite 5; female body and legs entirely black; South Africa ...Nixonia
stygica |
Third antennal segment only slightly longer (1.15 X) than
second antennal segment ...6 |
Third antennal segment significantly longer (1.4–3.1X)
than second antennal segment ...7
Occipital carina not developed; female tergite 6
irregularly carinate; female body and legs entirely black; South Africa
elongata |
Occipital carina massive; female tergite 6 longitudinally
carinate; female metasomatic segments 2–5 brick red; legs, except coxae,
reddish orange; South Africa, Botswana ...Nixonia
pecki |
Maxillary palpomere 4 cylindrical; mandible long, with
lower tooth either absent or much shorter than upper, base of mandible
with dense tuft of thick setae ...8 |
Maxillary palpomere 4 with strongly expanded lateral
lobe, width of palpomere nearly equal to its length; mandible short,
bidentate, lower tooth only slightly shorter than upper, base of
mandible without dense tuft of thick setae ...10 |
Mandible unidentate, with no indication of lower tooth;
legs orange-yellow; Somalia ...Nixonia
bini |
Mandible with short, but distinct lower tooth; legs black
...9 |
Mesoscutum and scutellum with irregular, sharply defined
rugulosities, with small setigerous punctures scattered over surface;
tegula reddish brown, distinctly lighter in color than mesoscutum; Egypt
priesneri |
Mesoscutum and scutellum covered by deep, confluent,
large setigerous punctures; tegula black, concolorous with mesoscutum;
Angola, Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Zimbabwe ...Nixonia
atra |
Propodeal tooth cordate to subcordate, sides convex,
longitudinally carinate, with or without medial depression; scutellum
longitudinally striate; female tergite 6 deeply, emarginate
posteromedially; large, 9 mm in length; South Africa
…11 |
Propodeal tooth with sides straight, and pointed or
ligulate, usually with deep medial depression; scutellum
areolate-punctate; female tergite 6 with only shallow emargination
posteromedially; moderate in size, 5–7 mm in length …12 |
Fore- and midtibiae with numerous stout, semi-erect, dark
spines over outer surface; propodeal tooth without depression; female
tergite 6 deeply, narrowly emarginate posteromedially, lateral flanges
narrow ...Nixonia
gigas |
Fore and midtibiae at most with small, semi-apressed
spines; propodeal tooth with posterior-medial depression; female tergite
6 with deep, broad emargination posterio-medially, lateral flanges wide
and conspicuous ...Nixonia
mcgregori |
Eye height distinctly greater than shortest distance
between eyes; mesoscutum with scattered punctures and wide interstices
with dense mat microsculpture; India, Laos, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam
krombeini |
Eye height sub-equal to, or only slightly greater, than
shortest distance between eyes; mesoscutum with dense large punctures
and narrow interstices with shining surface; Africa ...13 |
Shortest distance between eyes 0.9 times eye height;
forewing with several streaks of heavy infuscation; body length 7-10 mm;
South Africa ...14 |
Shortest distance between eyes equal to eye height;
forewing with only moderate streaks of infuscation; body length 5.0–5.5
mm …15 |
Mesoscutum wider than long; scape elongate (3X longer
than wide); dense field of setae obvious on vertex in anterior view;
pronotal shoulders rounded ...Nixonia
lamorali |
Mesoscutum as wide as long; scape expanded (2.5X longer
than wide); setae sparse on vertex; pronotal shoulders subquadrate ...Nixonia
masneri |
Mesosoma, antennae, and legs entirely dark brown to
black; Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe ...Nixonia
watshami |
Pronotum, mesonotum, antennomeres 1–3, and legs beyond
coxae deep orange to reddish brown; Namibia ...Nixonia
pretiosa |