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Megalyridae keys

Keys to megalyrid wasps of the Afrotropical region

(Life: Kingdom: Metazoa (animals); Phylum: Arthropoda; Class: Hexapoda; Order: Hymenoptera; Superfamily: Megalyroidea)

ClassificationKeys home page

Identification keys are presented in two different formats: traditional dichotomous keys where a choice needs to be made at each key couplet to continue - also presented as an interactive Lucid pathway (dichotomous) key; and Lucid matrix keys where relevant states from multiple character features can be selected independently until identification is achieved. For more information concerning Lucid keys visit www.lucidcentral.org.

Key to Afrotropical genera of Megalyridae

Standard Dichotomous key

Lucid pathway key

(interactive dichotomous key to African genera)


Key to species of Dinapsis

Standard Dichotomous key

Lucid pathway key

(interactive dichotomous key  to Dinapsis species)


Key to all described species of African Megalyridae



Lucid Matrix key



Shaw, S.R. & van Noort, S. 2009. A new Dinapsis species from the Central African Republic (Hymenoptera: Megalyridae: Dinapsini). Zootaxa 2118: 30-36.

van Noort, S. & Shaw, S.R. 2009. Megalyridia capensis (Hymenoptera: Megalyridae: Megalyridiini) a relict species endemic to South Africa. African Natural History 5: 1-8.

van Noort S, Shaw S, Copeland R. 2022. Revision of the endemic African genus Dinapsis (Dinapsini, Megalyridae, Hymenoptera) with description of seven new species. ZooKeys 1112: 27-122. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1112.82307


Keys developed by Simon van Noort. Photographs included in the keys © Simon van Noort (Iziko Museums of South Africa).

Web author Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)


Citation: van Noort, S. 2025. WaspWeb: Hymenoptera of the World. URL: www.waspweb.org (accessed on <day/month/year>).

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