Madagascar, South Africa. Also Holarctic
& Neotropical regions. |
Usually parasitoids of coleopteran stem
borers or gall makers (Buprestidae,
Cerambycidae, Coleophoridae, Mordellidae), but also attack
lepidopteran (Gelechiidae, Noctuidae,
Pieridae, Pyralidae, Scythridae) and dipteran larvae (Tephritidae). |
Body slender. Occipital carina dorsally incomplete,
the free upper ends down curved. Scutellum weakly to moderately
convex, often with a weak lateral carina. Propodeum completely
areolated or nearly so. First radial cell short. Areolet absent.
Vein Rs&M opposite or slightly basal to vein cu-a,
vein rs-m opposite to basal to 2m-cu by 0.5 its
length. Hind wing with vein Cu + cu-a usually broken, vein
Cu1 spectral to absent. Tergite I with long and shallow glymma,
its lower edges separated and parallel, rarely almost touching.
Thyridium absent. Epipleurum of tergite II narrow, separated by a
crease, turned under. Apex of male gonosquama with a long ventral
asymmetric lobe, this separated by a concave area from a dorsal
tooth or short lobe near base. Ovipositor tip straight, decurved, or
weakly sinuate (Rousse etal., 2011). |
J.L.C. 1829. Ichneumonologia Europaea. Pars III. Vratislaviae. 1097
Rousse, P., Villemant, C. & Seyrig, A. 2011.
Ichneumonid wasps from Madagascar. 5. Ichneumonidae Cremastinae.
Zootaxa, 3118, 1-30.
P & van Noort S. 2014.
Belesica madiba and Cremastus
tutui (Ichneumonidae: Cremastinae), two entomological gems from
South Africa. Zootaxa 3795: 161–173.
http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3795.2.5 |
Photographs by Agničle Touret-Alby ©
MNHN (specimens database
http://coldb.mnhn.fr) or photographs
by Pascal Rousse © Iziko Museums of South Africa. Map illustration ©
Simon van Noort (Iziko Museums of South Africa). |
Next genus:
Eucremastus |