Ceratacis Thomson, 1859
Ceratacis afrotropica Buhl, 2014
Euxestonotus Fouts, 1925
Euxestonotus infuscatus Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Euxestonotus michaeli Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Euxestonotus pilipterus Buhl,
(South Africa)
Euxestonotus (Cylindrostonotus)
lissogastrus Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Gastrotrypes Brues, 1922
Gastrotrypes spatulatus Brues, 1922 (Togo)
Holocoeliella Huggert, 1981
Inostemma Haliday, 1833
Inostemma africanum Ghesquière, 1939 (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Inostemma ambilobei (Risbec, 1955) (Madagascar)
Inostemma dux Buhl,
2007 (South Africa)
Inostemma nitidum Sundholm, 1970 (South Africa)
Inostemma rugosum Sundholm, 1970 (South Africa)
Inostemma senegalense Risbec, 1950 (Senegal)
Inostemma soederlundi Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Inostemma sylvaticum (Risbec, 1953) (Madagascar)
Inostemma transversiceps Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Inostemma tschirnhausi
Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Iphitrachelus Haliday, 1835
Iphitrachelus africanus Huggert, 1976
(Democratic Republic of Congo)
Iphitrachelus danielssoni Buhl,
2005 (South Africa, Togo)
Iphitrachelus danielssoni Buhl,
2005 (South Africa, Togo)
Iphitrachelus gracilis Masner, 1957 (Ivory
Coast. Also Palaearctic region)
Isostasius Förster, 1856
Förster, 1856
Leptacis acanthia Buhl,
2005 (South Africa, Togo)
Leptacis acuticlava
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Leptacis africana Masner, 1960 (Democratic Republic of Congo,
Leptacis ambrensis Masner, 1960 (Madagascar)
Leptacis aramis Masner, 1960 (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Leptacis aranea Masner, 1960 (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Leptacis athos Masner, 1960 (Democratic Republic of Congo,
Leptacis bidentata Buhl,
2004 (Tanzania, Togo)
Leptacis bispinosa Buhl,
2005 (South Africa, Togo)
Leptacis brevigaster Buhl,
2004 (Ivory Coast, Nigeria)
Leptacis celisi (Risbec, 1958)
Leptacis cylindrica Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Leptacis dendrophila
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Leptacis dilatispina
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Leptacis disticha Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Leptacis dux Masner, 1960
(Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Nigeria)
Leptacis elongaticeps Buhl, 2014
Leptacis exigua Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Leptacis filiclava Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Leptacis flavosignata (Kieffer, 1912)
Leptacis fusiformis Buhl,
2005 (South Africa, Togo)
Leptacis graciliventris
Buhl, 2003
(South Africa)
Leptacis hanseni Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Leptacis humifusa Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Leptacis insularis Masner, 1960
Leptacis ioannoui
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Leptacis johnsoni
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Leptacis katanga Masner, 1960 (Democratic
Republic of Congo)
Leptacis kivuensis (Risbec, 1958) (Democratic
Republic of Congo)
Leptacis kryi
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Leptacis laevipleura
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Leptacis latipetiolata
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Leptacis leptoventris Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania, Togo)
Leptacis leroyi (Risbec, 1958)
(Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria)
Leptacis limnocharis (Kieffer, 1910)
(Democratic Republic of Congo)
Leptacis longispinula Masner, 1960
Leptacis longiciliata
2003 (Guinea-Bissau)
Leptacis luboi
Buhl, 2003
(South Africa)
Leptacis macrotoma (Kieffer, 1910)
(Democratic Republic of Congo)
Leptacis madagascariensis Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Leptacis maritima Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Leptacis mckameyi
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Leptacis microcera
Buhl, 2003
(Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Togo)
Leptacis mitratus Huggert, 1976 (Democratic
Republic of Congo)
Leptacis nana Masner, 1960
Leptacis ndundulensis Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Leptacis nigrotrochanterica Buhl, 2014
Leptacis oculata Masner, 1960 (Madagascar)
Leptacis pallidispina Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Leptacis papei
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Leptacis pauliani (Risbec, 1953) (Madagascar)
Leptacis piestopleuroides
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Leptacis pilosa Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Leptacis pilosiscutellata Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Leptacis popovicii
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Leptacis porthos Masner, 1960 (Democratic
Republic of Congo)
Leptacis pronotata
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania, Togo)
Leptacis pubicornis Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Leptacis pumilio Masner, 1960
Leptacis quadrilineata Buhl, 2014
Leptacis risbeci Masner, 1960
Leptacis sensillosa Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Leptacis seyrigi Masner, 1960 (Madagascar)
Leptacis soederlundi Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Leptacis tenuis Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Leptacis terricola Masner, 1960 (Ivory Coast,
Leptacis togoensis Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Leptacis trilineata Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Leptacis tschirnhausiana Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Leptacis udzungwensis Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania, Togo)
Leptacis villosa Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Leptacis wawa Buhl, 2015 (Togo)
Leptacis xestonota Masner, 1960 (Madagascar)
Piestopleura Förster, 1856
Platygaster Latrielle, 1809
Platygaster acaciae Buhl,
2007 (Kenya)
Platygaster alticola Kieffer, 1910
Platygaster baezi Buhl,
2004 (Canary Islands, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Kenya)
Platygaster cuspidata Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)-
Platygaster danyiensis Buhl, 2014
Platygaster diplosisae Risbec, 1956 (Afrotropical)
Platygaster dombeyae Risbec, 1953 (Madagascar)
Platygaster dryomiae Dieuzeide, 1927 (Afrotropical)
Platygaster ethiopica Buhl,
2004 (Ethiopia)
Platygaster flagellata
Buhl, 2003 (South
Platygaster fusca Buhl,
2004 (Kenya)
Platygaster gambiana Buhl,
2006 (Gambia)
Platygaster grandidieri Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Platygaster hamadryas Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Platygaster hedayati Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Platygaster kenyana Buhl,
2004 (Kenya)
Platygaster kwamgumiensis Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania,
Platygaster laticornis Buhl,
Platygaster leptothorax Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Platygaster leroyi Risbec, 1958
(Democratic Republic of Congo)
Platygaster liga Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Platygaster lobata Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Platygaster madagascariensis Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Platygaster mahensis Kieffer, 1912 (Seychelles)
Platygaster malaisei Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Platygaster mandrakae Risbec, 1955 (Madagascar)
Platygaster maroantsetrensis Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Platygaster matuschanskavaskyi
Buhl, 2003
(South Africa, Swaziland)
Platygaster mazumbaiensis Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Platygaster muscivora Risbec, 1950 (Afrotropical)
Platygaster natalensis
Buhl, 2003
(South Africa)
Platygaster nielseni Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Platygaster nigeriana Buhl,
2004 (Nigeria)
Platygaster oculata Buhl,
Platygaster otandjoboliensis Buhl,
2014 (Togo)
Platygaster pauliani Risbec, 1953 (Madagascar)
Platygaster perineti Risbec, 1953 (Madagascar)
Platygaster philippiae Risbec, 1953 (Madagascar)
Platygaster pilco Sundholm, 1970 (South Africa)
Platygaster piso Sundholm, 1970 (Lesotho)
Platygaster planivertex Buhl, 2014
Platygaster platyptera Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Platygaster polaszeki Buhl,
2004 (Ivory Coast, Kenya)
Platygaster pubiventris Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Platygaster risbeciana Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Platygaster rwankwiensis Risbec, 1958
(Democratic Republic of Congo)
Platygaster setiventris Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Platygaster setosa
Buhl, 2003
(South Africa)
Platygaster sonnei Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Platygaster splendens Sundholm, 1970
(South Africa)
Platygaster subanguliceps Buhl, 2014
Platygaster subplana Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Platygaster terco Sundholm, 1970
(South Africa)
Platygaster tricarinata Buhl, 2014
Platygaster tschirnhausi Buhl, 2014
Platygaster tsitsikamensis Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Platygaster udzungwensis Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Platygaster ultima Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Platygaster vertexialis Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Platygaster vilhelmseni
Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Platygaster warda Buhl,
2004 (Ivory Coast)
Platygaster zambiana Buhl,
Proleptacis Kieffer, 1926
Förster, 1856
Synopeas acutanguliceps Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Synopeas africanus Buhl,
(Ivory Coast)
Synopeas ambrense Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Synopeas angulaticeps Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Synopeas basipubens Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Synopeas bicolor Sundholm,
1970 (South Africa)
Synopeas bifoveatus (Kieffer, 1912)
Synopeas capensis Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Synopeas canopyanum Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Synopeas ciliarissimum Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania, Togo)
Synopeas congoana (Risbec, 1958) (Democratic
Republic of Congo)
Synopeas cynipsoides Buhl,
2004 (Ethiopia)
Synopeas dentilamellatum Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania, Togo)
Synopeas dorsale Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania,
Synopeas fredskovae Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Synopeas fulvimanus Buhl,
2004 (Ethiopia)
Synopeas glabratum Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Synopeas gnom Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Synopeas goengeti Buhl, 1997 (Uganda)
Synopeas ibadanensis Buhl,
2004 (Nigeria)
Synopeas iensis (Risbec, 1953) (Madagascar)
Synopeas kovacsi Buhl,
2004 (Ethiopia)
Synopeas laeviventre Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Synopeas lineae Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Synopeas longiceps Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Synopeas mazumbaiense Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Synopeas meieri Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Synopeas monticola (Kieffer, 1910)
(Central Africa)
Synopeas nigeriana Buhl,
2004 (Ivory Coast, Nigeria)
Synopeas nigerrimus Sundholm,
1970 (South Africa)
Synopeas pallidicornis Buhl,
2006 (Gambia)
Synopeas polaszeki Buhl,
2004 (Ivory Coast)
Synopeas popovicii Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Synopeas procerus Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Synopeas rajaonarimampianinai Buhl, 2015 (Madagascar)
Synopeas royi Buhl, 2001 (South Africa)
Synopeas semihyalinum Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Synopeas seychellensis (Kieffer, 1912)
Synopeas soederlundi Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Synopeas striatus (Risbec, 1958) (Democratic
Republic of Congo)
Synopeas sundholmi Buhl,
2005 (South Africa)
Synopeas tanzanianum Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania, Togo)
Synopeas thorkildi Buhl,
2004 (Tanzania)
Synopeas togoense Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Synopeas tropicus Buhl, 1997 (Uganda)
Synopeas tschirnhausi Buhl, 2014
Synopeas tuberosus Sundholm,
1970 (South Africa)
ventricosum Buhl, 1997 (Togo. Also Oriental region)
Synopeas verrucosum Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Synopeas watsoni Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Trichacis Förster, 1856
Afrisolia Masner & Huggert, 1989
Allotropa Förster, 1856
Allotropa canopyana Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Allotropa delottococci Buhl,
2019 (South Africa.
Introduced Spain)
Allotropa fusca Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Allotropa kamurovi
Annecke & Prinsloo, 1977 (South Africa)
Allotropa loundsburyi Ashmead, 1901 (South Africa)
Allotropa magnini Risbec, 1955 (Ivory Coast)
Allotropa pauliana Risbec, 1955 (Madagascar)
Amitus Haldeman, 1850
Amitus hesperidum Silvestri, 1927 (Oriental, but introduced to
many parts of the world)
Amitus species (Kenya)
Amitus species (Madagascar)
Fidiobia Ashmead, 1894
Fidiobia benjamini (Nixon, 1969)
Fidiobia celeritas van Noort and
Lahey, 2021 (South Africa) -
Fidiobia danielssoni Buhl, 2001 (South Africa)-
Fidiobia filicornis Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Fidiobia semirufa Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Fidiobia tanzaniana Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Fidiobia tschirnhausi Buhl, 2014 (Togo)
Fidiobia zebra Buhl, 2010 (Tanzania)
Isolia Förster, 1878
Parabaeus Kieffer, 1910
Parabaeus africanus Austin, 1990
Parabaeus armadillus
Austin, 1990 (South Africa)
Parabaeus austini
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Parabaeus brevicornis,
Buhl, 2011 (Tanzania)
Parabaeus nasutus
van Noort, 2021 (South
Parabaeus papei
2011 (Tanzania)
Parabaeus peckorum
Austin, 1990 (South Africa)
Parabaeus quasimodus
Austin, 1990 (Kenya)
Parabaeus ruficornis Kieffer, 1910
Pulchrisolia Szabó, 1959
Pulchrisolia ankremos Lahey, 2019 (Ghana, Ivory Coast)
Pulchrisolia asantesana
van Noort & Lahey, 2019 (South Africa)
Pulchrisolia diehoekensis
van Noort & Lahey, 2019 (South Africa)
Pulchrisolia ellieae
Lahey, 2019 (Madagascar)
Pulchrisolia maculata Szabó, 1959
(Kenya, Tanzania)
Pulchrisolia nephelae
Lahey, 2019 (Benin, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Mali,
Pulchrisolia robynae
van Noort & Lahey, 2019 (South Africa)
Pulchrisolia sanbornei
Lahey & Masner, 2019 (South Africa)
Pulchrisolia teras
Lahey, 2019 (Madagascar)
Pulchrisolia valerieae
Polaszek & Lahey, 2019 (Zambia)
Sceliotrachelus Brues, 1908
The classification presented here follows
Chen et al. 2021. Finally a comprehensive phylogenetic assessment based on both morphological and molecular data to
formulate a revised classification of Platygastroidea has been completed.
Murphy et al. (2007) conducted a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the
entire Platygastroidea in which the Platygastridae was supported as a
monophyletic group nested within Scelionidae. As a result the
Scelionidae were retrieved as polyphyletic, but the classification was
not revised because of low support for many of the deeper nodes in the
cladogram, and inadequate taxon sampling (less than a quarter of the
valid genera in the superfamily were included in their analyses). Based
on the results of Murphy et al. (2007), Sharkey (2007) formally
synonymised Scelionidae with Platygastridae. Subsequently McKellar &
Engel (2012) raised the tribes Sparasionini and Nixonini to family level
and recognized four families: Nixoniidae,
Sparasionidae, Scelionidae and Platygastridae, but in Ortega-Blanca et al. (2014) they treated placement of these
two tribes within the Platygastroidea as incertae sedis
recognizing only two families: Scelionidae and Platygastridae.
These higher classification changes made by Sharkey (2007) and
McKellar & Engel (2012) were largely not accepted (Talamas & Buffington, 2015;
Popovici et al. 2017). With a revised classification having recently
been published
supported by robust phylogenetic data (Chen et al. 2021) this latest classification schema is now followed. |
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© Simon van Noort (Iziko Museums of South Africa)