Propodeum without any longitudinal carina, no area defined, punctate
rugulose (A); head mostly black (B) ...K.
toro Rousse, van Noort, & Diller, 2013
– Propodeum with longitudinal carina present, area superomedia
complete, weakly rugose (a); head mostly yellowish–orange or white
(b) ...2
2(1) Labial palpus short, not reaching fore coxa (A); mesopleuron
and metapleuron densely punctate (A); frons, ocellar triangle, and
vertex distinctly punctate (B); first flagellomeres as long as the
second (A); head and mesosoma entirely orangish-yellow (A, B);
antennae without white annulus (C) ...K.
mubfs Rousse & van Noort, 2013
– Labial palpus elongated, reaching past fore coxa (a); mesopleuron
and metapleuron completely smooth (a); frons, ocellar triangle, and
vertex smooth (b); first flagellomeres 2× as long as the second (c);
head mostly white with frons, ocellar triangle, and vertex black (a,
b, c); mesosoma and propodeum with black markings (a, c); antennae
with white annulus (c) ...K.
nonnaritae Dal Pos & Di Giovanni, 2023