Etymology |
specific epithet tedjoansi is in the genitive case and is to commemorate
the American-cosmopolitan poet Ted Joans (1928–2003), a surrealist,
beat, black power and jazz activist who made Mali one of his several
homes in the world. The Xyalophora spine may suggest the horn of
Joans’ totemic rhino. |
References |
Benoit, P.L.G. 1956. Figitinae nouveaux du Congo Belge (Cynip.-Figitidae).
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 53:
377–384. Ionescu, M.A. 1969.
Hymenoptera Cynipoidea. Fauna Republicii Socialiste România, Insecta vol
IX, fasc 6, 292 pp.
M., Paretas-Martínez J. & Pujade-Villar, J. 2008. Revision of
Xyalophora Kieffer and description of Xyalophoroides gen. n.
(Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Figitinae). European Journal of Entomology
105: 751–769.
van Noort, S, Buffington ML & Forshage, M. 2015.
Afrotropical Cynipoidea (Hymenoptera). ZooKeys 493: 1-176. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.493.6353
van Noort, S, Buffington ML & Forshage, M. 2014.
Review of Afrotropical Figitinae (Figitidae, Cynipoidea, Hymenoptera) with the
first records of Neralsia and Lonchidia for the region.
ZooKeys 453: 37–69.