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Key to world species of Platyscelio

(Life: Kingdom: Metazoa (animals); Phylum: Arthropoda; Class: Hexapoda; Order: Hymenoptera;  Superfamily: Platygastroidea; Family Scelionidae; Subfamily: Scelioninae; Genus: Platyscelio)

ClassificationIdentification keys

1. Striae within ocellar triangle sparse (fewer than 20); distance between anterior ocellus and posterior ocellar line in frontal view greater than or equal to 0.5X POL ...2


- Striae within ocellar triangle dense (more than 20); distance between anterior ocellus and posterior ocellar line in frontal view less than 0.5× POL ...3


2. Sculpture on T1 longitudinally striate, interstices with coriaceous microsculpture; postmarginal vein absent; notaulus with mesal margin arched, lateral margin straight; legs beyond coxae yellow; female outer lateral apex of scape sharply pointed (Western Australia) ............. Platyscelio arcuatus Taekul & Johnson, 2010


- Sculpture on T1 longitudinally striate throughout; postmarginal vein present, stumplike; notaulus with both mesal and lateral margins arched; legs beyond coxae brown; female outer lateral apex of scape bluntly rounded (South Africa) ... Platyscelio mzantsi Taekul & Johnson, 2010


3. Frontal sculpture between inner orbit and central keel longitudinally striate, striae either extending through most of length of frons, or with few (4–5) striae restricted to upper half of frons ...4


- Frons between inner orbit and central keel smooth ...5


4. Mesoscutum with one lateral carina; notaulus absent; sculpture on T1 longitudinally striate laterally, uniformly setigerous punctate medially (Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe) ...Platyscelio mysterium Taekul & Johnson, 2010


- Mesoscutum with two lateral carinae; notaulus present; sculpture on T1 longitudinally striate throughout (Western Australia) ...Platyscelio striga Taekul & Johnson, 2010


5. Posterior scutellar sulcus complete; margin of propodeum longitudinally striate laterally, rugulose posteriorly; vertex between inner orbit and posterior ocellus densely striate (sub-Saharan Africa, Yemen) ...Platyscelio africanus Risbec, 1956


- Posterior scutellar sulcus interrupted medially; margin of propodeum smooth laterally, longitudinally striate to rugulose posteriorly; vertex between inner orbit and posterior ocellus smooth (India east to Guam, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, eastern Australia) ...Platyscelio pulchricornis Kieffer, 1905


Web author Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)


Citation: van Noort, S. 2024. WaspWeb: Hymenoptera of the World. URL: www.waspweb.org (accessed on <day/month/year>).

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