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Phorotrophus pulcher (Szépliegti)

(Life: Kingdom: Metazoa (animals); Phylum: Arthropoda; Class: Hexapoda; Order: Hymenoptera; Superfamily: Ichneumonoidea; Family: Ichneumonidae; Subfamily: Acaenitinae; Genus: Phorotrophus)

Siphimedia pulchra Szépligeti, 1914. Holotype: in Termeszettudomanyi Museum Allattra, Budapest (HNHM). Type locality: Sierra Leone.



Phorotrophus pulcher_map

Sierre Leone.


Host: unknown.


Maquart, P.O., Rousse, P. & van Noort, S. 2014.  Revision of the Afrotropical genus Phorotrophus Saussure, 1892 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Acaenitinae), with description of eight new species. African Natural History 10: 57-117.

Szépligeti, G. 1914. Ichneumoniden aus der Sammlung des ungarischen National-Museums. Annales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. 12:414-434.


Photographs © Termeszettudomanyi Museum Allattra, Budapest (HNHM).


Next genus: Agrypon (Anomaloninae)      

Web author Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)


Citation: van Noort, S. 2024. WaspWeb: Hymenoptera of the World. URL: www.waspweb.org (accessed on <day/month/year>).

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